Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ron Paul

Ron Paul, the conservative/libertarian candidate for president, while being nearly invisible in the mainstream media and the mainstream polls, has become an internet phenomenon with some interesting effects. Clearly, the internet buzz around Dr. Paul is legitimate, and not something manufactured by Paul partisans, as claimed by corporate media, the republican party, and other candidates. It's notable that on YouTube, the "Ron Paul" channel boasts more subscribers than any other candiate, beating not only the Republicans, but also Obama and the rest of the Democrats. But what's really interesting is the effect of his candidacy on some of the conservative forums like While these forums haven't been the model of Republican solidarity they used to be, there has actually been debate about the wisdom of US intervention in Iraq and the whole concept of blowback, heresy in previous times. While Paul is soundly dissed by the MSM, it seems that Paul might actually gain some traction based on internet exposure among the growing numbers that actively dislike and distrust the MSM.

Not that Paul could ever be elected. He speaks in compound sentences that are too complex to put on a bumper sticker and he will be taken apart by establishment Repbulicans and the MSM. But for now it's fun to watch Paul state some obvious truths and to see the mainstream candidates deal with the radioactive heretic.

James Pinkerton summarizes the situation well in the Concord Monitor.


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